Many veterans were exposed to Agent Orange when they served in the Korean or Vietnam Wars. As a result, many are suffering with illness as a result of this exposure. Resulting illnesses range from diabetes, to Parkinson’s, to cancer. Agent Orange disability benefits are available through the Veterans Administration, but many veterans are denied, or do not know how to apply for these benefits. A good veterans lawyer can help to walk you through the process.
If you or someone you love is suffering as a result of exposure to Agent Orange, you should contact a veterans disability lawyer, who can file for VA compensation, or check on your VA benefits claim status.
Just because you may have previously applied for VA benefits and been denied, that does not mean the end of your case. You have the option to appeal, but the appeals process can be difficult, and last for years. An experienced veterans lawyer can help you through the appeals process.
The effects of Agent Orange can be very costly and difficult for a veteran and his entire family to deal with. It’s not just the veterans themselves who are entitled to benefits. Birth defects have occurred in children of those exposed to Agent Orange, and those children are entitled to VA benefits as well.If you have applied for Agent Orange disability compensation, or even if you haven’t, you should contact a veterans lawyer to make sure you get the compensation you are entitled to.
Ger more information on this topic here.