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Are You Worried About Leaving Debt to Your Children? Find an Estate Planning Lawyer

Updated 7/26/22


When we become parents, we solemnly promise to act in our children’s best interest. We do everything in our power to make this happens, including educating them, providing for them, and raising them with the proper morals. When the children grow and finally leave home, many parents sigh in relief, thinking their responsibility is done.

However, many parents fail to secure a promising future for their children by not planning how to distribute their assets after death. Any estate planning attorney can attest that most people leave their children with estates, holdings, or financial debts that might lead to conflict between children after passing. In order to avoid such a situation as a parent, it is essential to find someone who can help you create your own will and trust so that your loved ones know your wishes when you die.

Your attorney can also help you with corporate estate planning if you have a business. He will guide you in creating an estate planning inventory form to list all your assets and help you implement strategies to transfer business ownership to your children efficiently.


What is a family lawyer

When we become parents, we make a solemn promise, a pact, with ourselves to only ever do what’s best for our children. So, as the years go by, we try to make sure they do well in school. We put clothes on their back and food on the table. We try to teach them the difference between right and wrong, and we hope that it will be enough to make them strong, moral adults.

For many parents, once the child is out of the house, they can breathe easy, feeling as though they don’t have all that much to do for their children anymore. However, as any estate planning lawyer worth their salt can tell you, that’s folly. If you have debt, a large estate, or any other considerable financial debts or holdings that could cause trouble for or between your children once you pass, you need to find someone who can help you with your estate planning and wills. Here are just a few of the ways to find the best lawyers for the job.

Three Effective Strategies for Finding a Reputable Estate Planning Lawyer

    1. Use an Online Legal Database

One of the best things about the internet is how simple it can make tracking down an estate planning lawyer. Websites like and feature highly detailed lawyer databases. They even let you ask for free legal advice from some of the best attorneys in the country. Coupled with a highly regulated ranking system, these websites make for some of the best ways to find lawyers.

    1. Consult Your State Bar Association

As suggests, you really should consult your state’s bar association when looking for a lawyer. Doing so, you can not only find an estate planning lawyer, you can also make sure that anyone you’re considering is in good legal standing, and that they have all the qualifications necessary to discharge their duties properly.

    1. Ask Friends

Even if it hasn’t been an open topic of discussion, it’s quite likely that friends of your age will have already dealt with an estate planning lawyer in order to protect themselves and their children in the case of the inevitable. As writes, this makes friends the perfect resource for finding a great recommendation for a lawyer. The only thing you need to do is ask.

Are you a lawyer specializing in estate and wills? What advice would you give Americans looking for help getting their affairs in order? Share your tips in the comment section below. Read more like this:


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