I was having a rough month. I might not have been making good choices. Let us just say that one Monday morning I found myself in need of both an Atlanta divorce attorney and an Atlanta DUI attorney. I hoped I could save myself some time and find an Atlanta law firm who had both. And voila, I found one.
Atlanta attorneys have seen it all. My two Atlanta attorneys are a lovely combination of experience and professionalism blended with a touch of southern charm and a dusting of sarcasm. I liked them both right away. When my life is falling to pieces, at least I know I have the best Atlanta attorneys there are. At least, I hope my Atlanta attorneys are the best there are. Or at least, better than the Atlanta attorneys my husband hired.
I am not happy about my arrest or divorce but I can say that after that amazing double whammy of a weekend, things have started to look up. When this is all over with, I am going to take my Atlanta attorneys for a night on the town. And see if they have any young and attractive coworkers at the firm they want to bring along. That is what I would call turning over a new leaf.