Did you know, according to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association (RMIIA), that every 10 seconds an American is treated in an emergency department for injuries resulting from a car accident? In other words, car accidents in the United States are unfortunately common, costing Americans at least $99 billion per year in medical care costs and lost productivity.
If you’ve been in an accident, you no doubt realize how difficult it can be to recoup resultant costs, whether they’re for your medical bills or car repairs. However, if you believe you deserve car accident compensation as a victim of an accident, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of success during an auto accident injury claim.
How Much is the Average Car Accident Injury Claim Worth?
As NOLO.com astutely points out, there is no average amount when it comes to car accident compensation, as each case needs to be treated individually. Compensatory damages, those covering medical bills, lost pay at work, and automobile repairs, often come into play when trying to estimate what you’re due, but so, too, can punitive damages. Not every case involves a punitive judgement. However, if it is found that the at-fault party was guilty of comparative or contributory negligence or they failed to mitigate damages after the fact, a court may rule that you are due additional punitive damages. Regardless of what you think you may be owed, you need to take smart steps to protect yourself and help ensure your success.
How to Improve Your Chances of Receiving Car Accident Compensation
- Ask for the Other Driver’s Information
- Do Not Admit Fault
- Get Police and Medical Reports
As Cars.com suggests, you should never leave the scene of an accident before getting the other driver’s information. This means copying down their license number, address, phone number, license plate number, and all insurance information. In a nutshell, you need to make it easy to find the other driver and make a claim against their insurance.
The very worst thing you can do after a car accident is admit fault, according to the DMV. Not only will doing so ruin any chances you have of receiving car accident compensation, it will also open you up to claims and lawsuits. The best policy is to say as little as you need to after an accident.
After a car accident, you need to call the police to the scene. Doing so, they can write an official report on the damage to your vehicle. This is crucial to getting any help from your insurance or the at-fault party’s. Likewise, if you need to seek medical attention, a report from your doctor stating your injuries and any treatment required will be essential to you receiving recompense.
With these tips, you can improve your chances of receiving adequate car accident compensation. However, as any experienced injury lawyer can tell you, your results can never be guaranteed, despite the outcome of cases in the past. More on this topic.