When times do not go as planned, you often find yourself at a loss for what to do next. From serious financial problems that force you to file for bankruptcy to a marriage that is not turning out, sometimes the only thing to do is to find a legal team that can help you. Finding a legal team that has experience in the problems that you are challenging may help you reach a solution that works.
Finding an answer to life’s biggest challenges is not always easy. Connecting with legal resources, however, can help you find options that you may not have known existed. Family law legal teams, for instance, can help families reach decisions about child custody. Personal injury legal teams can help victims find the resources they need to recover from injury, pain, and financial implications. Individuals or businesses that find themselves filing for bankruptcy, on the other hand, may be able to find the help they need by talking to the right kind of legal team.
Are You Looking for Legal Advice?
Whether you have been the victim of a personal injury accident at work or on the road, or you are trying to find a way to get through a difficult divorce, finding the right legal advice as soon as possible is in your best interest. Consider some of the ways that a single lawyer or a legal team may be able to provide assistance:
- Given that court cases can be complicated, it should come as no surprise that many feel that it is a good idea to have a legal representative on their side, especially if they are going against a large corporation with a workers compensation case.
- Estimates indicate that 75% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and 27% have no savings at all. Some of these people are the ones the most at financial risk if an unexpected injury of illness occurs. A risk that might require the help of a bankruptcy attorney.
- Trucking accident attorneys help victims and the families of victims recover from an accident that might otherwise leave those suffering from financial, as well as physical, disaster.
- The maximum average compensation for an employee who damaged one arm at work in the U.S. amounted to approximately $169,880 as of March in the year 2015.
- How often have you almost been in an accident caused by a distracted driver? Unfortunately, 67% of smartphone owners use their phone at least occasionally for turn-by-turn navigation while driving. Another 31% say that they do this frequently.
- Economic reports indicate that the average American home has 13 payment cards. Unfortunately, the typical credit card purchase is as much as 112% higher than if using cash.
- Having an attorney is an advantage in a bankruptcy case. In fact, the success rate for Chapter 7 bankruptcy claims is over 95% when an attorney is involved.
- Estimates indicate that student loans account for 1% of all U.S. bankruptcies, which translates to roughly 15,000 bankruptcies every year.
- Legal representatives can offer advice to clients who have a number of questions and concerns.
- Parents often benefit from a mediator in child custody cases.
- Yearly costs caused by drunk driving in the U.S. typically reach $199 billion.
- Of all car crash fatalities, 32% are from drunk driving, 31% are from speeding, 16% are from distraction, and 11% are from conditions caused by weather.
- Unless you are able to find legal council, you may not be able to have a chance to survive a difficult court case.
- Needless to say, going into a courtroom without a legal representative is not typically advised. In most cases, in fact, it is better to
- Estimates indicate that 85% of worker?s compensation claims are attributed to employees slipping on slick floors.
- Estimates indicate that only 2% of personal injury tort cases actually go to trial; the other cases are handled outside of the courtroom.
- Debilitating accidents contribute to the fact that just over one in four of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before reaching age 67.
If you are in a difficult legal situation, it is important to GET THE HELP YOU NEED from a local attorney or legal team that is familiar with the courts, judges, and specific laws where you live.