When conducting research on state legislative history, legal statutes, legislative intent, and other relevant aspects of the law, it’s important to be familiar with some basic information. In addition to knowing how constitutional amendments and bills are passed, this includes how congressional and senatorial seats are filled.
How Constitutional Amendments Are Approved
The Constitution was created over 200 years ago. Since that time, 27 constitutional amendments have been made. It is important to note that after an amendment is proposed and approved by Congress, it needs to be ratified by 75% of the states.
How Bills Are Approved
Senate action is required for bills to pass. Currently, there are more than 300 bills waiting for action. In the event that a bill is enrolled by the Senate, there are ten days within which the President needs to either sign or veto it.
How the House of Representatives Is Composed
The 110th Congress established how the House of Representatives was composed. Every two years, elections are held throughout the 50 states for the 435 House seats. These seats are apportioned based on each individual state’s population.
How the Senate Is Composed
The 17th Amendment to the Constitution established the guidelines for Senate composition. Each state elects two senators for a total of 100 Members. It is important to note that a state’s population or area is not a factor with filling Senate seats. Senators serve a term of six years, and every second year, one-third of the total Senate membership is elected.
In order to run for the position of Senator, an individual needs to meet these requirements:
- They must be a minimum of 30 years old.
- They must have been a United States citizen for nine years.
- They must reside in the state which elected them.
Conducting Legislative Research
When conducting research on state laws, state legislative history, and other pertinent matters, it’s important to have access to quality legal research tools. There are reputable legal research websites that provide in-depth material on a wide range of topics. Furthermore, this material can assist researchers of various levels by providing clarity and legal interpretations. You can learn more by contacting legislative history services.