Your puppies have had a busy first year with your family.
They have met cousins, visited a new vet and slept thru half of their visit, gained some weight and are at 26 and 28 pounds, eating like horses and acting like they are still starving, got new collars and toys they are loving to play with, car rides to take your girls to school, lots of playing outside and inside, loving the couch and they snuggle with mama a lot up there, helping mama with the dishes, learning to sit on command for treats, met some friends, learned to pull bark off of the tree, watching tv, mostly great nights sleeping in the kennel, getting better about potty training, and lots of exploring their new home!!!! The days and months with these new poppies have been both exhilarating and exhausting. So many days end with all of you so tired, but so in love with the new furry boys.
Those puppies now, unfortunately, are just one more casualty of your marriage. In addition to dividing up possessions, determining child visitation, and working out alimony and child support, you now also have to decide what to do about the dogs. Will they live full time with one of you, or will the two puppies that are still fairly new to your home travel back and forth like your daughters. Few things are easy when it comes to a divorce, but you are certain if you would have known a year ago that your marriage was going to end you would not have adopted these two fur balls. They are a heart breaking casualty of this failed marriage and a reminder of just how difficult this entire transition will be.
Family Lawyers Offer a Number of Important Services
Whether you find yourself looking for a military divorce lawyer or you are in need of a child custody attorney, it is important to know that you need an experienced legal council on your side. And while the most tenured military divorce lawyers may understand the challenges of ending a marriage when government housing and other options are involved, it is likely that you will still need the emotional support of friends and family as well. Even when couples, especially those who have children, say that they are going to be civil throughout the proceedings, it is important to note that there are times when you are goin to need to rely on your civilian or military divorce lawyers to make sure that the results are as fair as possible.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times when civilian and military divorce lawyers may be needed:
- Children who are 12 years and older are able to speak with a judge privately regarding their post-divorce, living situation preferences.
- As many as 75% of children who have witnessed the divorce of their parents end up living with their mother.
- Fortunately, as many as 91% of custody agreements are ordered outside of the courtroom, a fact that might make the experience less traumatic for the children, especially the youngest ones.
- There were an estimated 13.4 million custodial single parents in the U.S. as of the year 2016.
- Divorce rates for individuals deployed in the U.S. Navy are around 12.5%.
- 25 is the average age for first time marriages for women, while 28 is the average for men.
- Marriages that end in divorce typically last for eight years.
- Nearly 50% of the children in America are affected by divorce.
Whether you are dealing with puppies or properties, children or china, the end of a marriage is never easy. Fortunately, if you find yourself an experienced attorney you can find a way to make sure that you are getting the advice that can help you navigate one of the most challenging parts of your life. In or out of the military, young or old, in the midwest or on one of the coasts, the end of a marriage comes with many kinds of challenges, but if you take the time to carefully select who is going to represent you legally then you can get the help that you need at a time when you need it the most.