Updated 1/15/21
If you are in an accident, what to do might be confusing for you. So, the first thing to do in a car accident is remain calm. Once everything at the scene has been taken care of and you and the other driver are okay, you might need to seek medical care. Unfortunately, it’s also very likely to may have to converse with your insurance companies in order for them to pay for your medical treatment and car repairs. If you do this, you’re likely going to need to hire a lawyer for personal injury car accident. Your lawyer will help you work your way through the system.
Auto accident attorneys are trained in dealing with the kinds of situations you’ll find yourself dealing with, so it is important to have them on your side. If you’re in pain or trying to get your car repaired so you can go to work, you have enough to deal with. A personal injury lawyer for a car accident can help you with the parts you don’t understand and provide you with an ally against insurance companies who might not want to payout.
Auto accidents can be very overwhelming and scary. One minute you are driving along, thinking about your errands for the day, and the next, you are stopped and smashed into another vehicle. Many things are probably running through your head, including was it my fault? Am I okay? Is the other driver okay? These are all common thoughts, immediately following an auto accident. The overwhelming amount of emotions that you experience can make you forget the necessary steps to take during an auto accident, but it is important to follow them to ensure that everyone is safe and that the process is handled correctly.
Remain calm and assess the situation. Panicking will not help the situation and can make you forget necessary steps. As soon as you realize what happened, take a deep breath and then, assess the situation. Are you physically okay? Is everyone in your car physically okay? Are you trapped or injured at all? If you are, notify the other driver, if possible. If not, attempt to call for help from your mobile phone.
If you and everyone in your car is physically okay, assess the situation to evaluate the other vehicle?s inhabitants. Make sure that it is safe to exit your vehicle and inquire about the health and safety of the other driver or drivers. If they need medical help, call for assistance immediately. If they do not, inquire and make sure they are okay.
Call for police backup. Regardless of the type or extent of the auto accident, it is important to call for police backup. They will decide who was at fault, issuing any necessary tickets. This will be helpful for any necessary auto accident lawyers. Legal documentation is always helpful with an auto accident attorney.The police will call for any needed backup. If you need a tow, they will call a tow truck for you. If anyone requires medical assistance, they will also issue a call to the local fire department and emergency vehicle.
The police can also help when both drivers are so overwhelmed with emotions that they are unable to follow the necessary steps in filing a police report for the auto accident. Police backup may also be required when substances such as alcohol are involved. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a higher volume of travelers combined with more alcohol impaired drivers cause nearly two times the number of auto accident fatalities during summer months than during the rest of the year combined.
File a report with your insurance company. You will need the insurance information of the other vehicle involved in the accident. You will also need to file an insurance claim with your company. The sooner that you can file a claim, then the sooner that you will have your vehicle or motorcycle back and repaired. They may also need time to issue and necessary funding for medical or other types of care.
In 2013, motorcyclists were about 26 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash per vehicle mile traveled and five times more likely to be injured. The promptness of the insurance claim will be important in any legal proceedings with your auto accident attorney or your personal injury lawyer. A personal injury attorney is especially helpful in cases involving severe injury or death.
Keep all necessary documentation. Legal cases are always easier with proper documentation records. If you receive medical care, you need to save the medical reports. Also, keep copies of the police reports and any transactions. Although 95% to 96% of personal injury cases are settled pretrial, it is very beneficial to have proper documentation for your auto accident attorney. The auto accident attorney will be able to push for a pre trial settlement easier.
Unfortunately, auto accidents occur. Sometimes they are minor fender benders, while other times they are severe accidents. When a severe auto accident occurs, it may be beneficial to work with a car accident lawyer to ensure that all of your rights are protected. You are liable to any medical or auto charges that were incurred as a result of the accident, if you were not at fault.