The problems were small at first.
A mess in the bathroom. Late nights out without a phone call. Missing a planned dinner at a restaurant with friends.
In the end, however, the fact that your husband continued to introduce all of of these small problems into your life seemed rather insignificant when you realized that there was a much bigger problem. A pretty problem. A problem with a name and two kids, but a bigger problem all the same.
When you realized that your husband was having an affair, and that he had been for three years, the other smaller problems seemed to make sense. They angered you, but they made sense. The mess in the bathroom caused by a schedule that was so tight it barely left your husband time to get ready for work. The late nights out were times when he was at events with his girlfriend. The missed dinner plans were times when the hectic schedule simply fell apart.
When you finally realized what was going on, you were quick to act. Within just a few days you called a divorce lawyer and started the difficult process of ending your marriage. You did not allow your husband an opportunity to talk his way out of the situation, you simply filed the papers. The fact that your children are grown and out of the house made the decision to choose a divorce lawyer and start the process.
Are You Preparing to File Divorce Papers?
The cost of divorce lawyers can seem insignificant when you are in need of guidance in a difficult situation. In fact, if you find the right legal team, the rest of the process can go rather smoothly. Consider some of these facts and figures about divorce in America:
- 66% of divorces are filed for by women.
- 19.2% of couples indicate that they divorced because of incompatibility, according to a study published in the Journal of Family Issues.
- 10.6% of couples indicate that they divorced because of drinking or drug abuse, according to the same study published in the Journal of Family Issues.
- A zero to six month waiting period is the average amount of time before a divorce becomes final. This process does not start until the initial divorce petition is filed and served.