The Buddy Bench is installed.
The caution tape was removed yesterday and students were able to utilize this amazing feature added to one of the area playgrounds. The purpose of the Buddy Bench is to provide a safe space when students are feeling lonely or feel like they do not have anyone to play with. It is at these times when students are encouraged to sit on the Buddy Bench. Teachers work to teach students to identify anyone sitting on the Buddy Bench as someone who needs a friend to play with. The hope is that other students will join the students who are sitting on the Buddy Bench, maybe even invite them to play.
Not surprising, this one simple act of kindness can make a huge difference in a child’s day! If only there was a way to install a Buddy Bench in all of the places where people gather, at work, in a bus station, and in public places where people can still feel lonely. Even when they are surrounded by a crowd.
In an attempt to limit the bullying that goes on in some schools and on some playgrounds, it should come as no surprise that there are many parent groups, administrators, and teachers who are looking for ways to make every space a safe space. Consider some of these facts and figures, as well as insights, about the many ways that people are trying to create a NO BULLY ZONE:
- No one wants to think about the fact that their child is having a rough time at school, but studies continue to show that there are children who suffer serious side effects if they are not being treated kindly.
- One of the best ways to make sure that you are able to help keep all children safe is to establish an open line of conversation about the ways to standup to someone who is displaying bullying actions.
- By creating several safe spaces throughout a school and on the playground, it is possible to make sure that all of the children in any given school no what the signals are that someone is suffering from bullying by other classmates.
- Unless you have been a victim of bullying yourself, it can be difficult to understand how devastating these actions can be.
- Listening to a friend who is dealing with a difficult transition at home can be a challenge. Instead of explaining their feelings, some children unfortunately exhibit unkind behaviors that are a real challenge in a school setting.
- Louisiana has the fourth highest divorce rate in the U.S. with 20.8 out of 1000 married people divorced in 2016. And while this number varies from one state to another, Louisiana is but one example of a place where there are many children who are suffering from the difficult transitions caused by custody agreements.
- You can find the legal resources that you need when you are facing a difficult decision, but it is important to know that you should also find the resources your child will need to handle their emotions and new realities.
- Zoo field trips and other excursions can prove especially challenging for a child who is dealing with a major transition at home.
- One of the most frightening statistics for today’s children is that between 40% to 50% of married couples in the U.S. divorce. Many of these divorces involve complicated and disruptive custody agreements.
- No parent, teacher, or administrator wants to think that a child is suffering while they are at school, but providing a safe place like a Buddy Bench for children to open up important lines of communication is a proactive step in the right direction.
- Every child matters.
Behind every child who might find themselves in need of a little time on the Buddy Bench can be a number of difficult and sad stories. From children who find themselves trying to process recent custody agreements that might have them traveling from one parent to another on a weekly basis to children who are not yet aware of the divorce lawyer meets, there are many time when children are facing difficult battles that do not go away during the school day. Professional law firms can provide advice about custody agreements, but there are children who struggle every day with the implications of these transitions.