The number of vehicle accidents that occur every year is staggering. This is especially the case when considering that many of these accidents could be prevented. In addition to sustaining injuries, many drivers and passengers die as a result of vehicular accidents. This includes those caused by people driving while under the influence as well as when driving aggressively.
Aggressive Drivers and the Incidence of Traffic Accidents
There were 192,069 fatal car crashes that occurred in the United States between 2003 and 2007. It was determined that 55.7% of these accidents resulted from 1 or more drivers engaging in what was perceived as potentially aggressive actions. Even though individual perceptions of aggression will vary, many of these are usually obvious. Speeding, changing lanes abruptly without signaling, and cutting another driver off when they have the right-of-way are just a few actions that may be interpreted as aggressive.
The 2008 AAA Foundation Traffic Safety Culture Index reported on the safety issues associated with aggressive driving. For 78% of their respondents, aggressive drivers were rated as “serious” or “extremely serious” problems.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Auto Vantage released statistics on aggressive drivers and fatal crashes. They found that 66% of these fatalities were caused by individuals that chose to engage in aggressive driving behaviors.
The Economic Costs of Transportation Accidents
In 2010, car accidents resulted in $76.1 billion in total property damage costs. The total economic cost of these accidents, however, was $242 billion.
There were a number of transportation-oriented, fatal work injuries that occurred during 2013. These comprised 2 out of 5 workplace fatalities.
When someone has been in a car accident, motorcycle accident, commercial trucking accident, or another type of vehicular accident, it’s important to contact an attorney for counsel. If someone has died as a result of being in an accident with an aggressive driver, it is also important to contact a wrongful death attorney for counsel.
A commercial trucking accident attorney as well as a wrongful death attorney, will have relevant experience in these areas of the law. As a result, they will be able to assist their clients through this process. When a worker has sustained an injury or fatality while operating commercial vehicles, contacting an attorney with experience in this area of the law is also recommended.