When you’re diagnosed with mesothelioma after decades of hard work, your entire life changes. About 14 to 30 people out of 1 million will be affected by mesothelioma. Around 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year, according to cancer.org.
If you’re seeking compensation in an asbestos and mesothelioma law suit, it’s vital to find the best asbestos law firm to represent you in court. Exposure to asbestos and mesothelioma diagnoses are often directly correlated, and you should seek representation from an attorney who understands what you’re going through.
Here are the three most important traits you should look for in a potential asbestos and mesothelioma attorney:
1. Experience: When choosing an asbestos law firm, you want to place your trust in a firm with a proven track record of success in mesothelioma settlements. Preferably, you’ll want to hire an attorney who has only worked with asbestos and mesothelioma cases. Mesothelioma is normally diagnosed in four stages, each stage indicating a different stage of advancement. Asbestos attorneys know asbestos, and they know its detrimental effects.
2. Dedication: Asbestos claims and mesothelioma law suits aren’t one size fits all. Because asbestos exposure affects people in a variety of different ways, class action law suits are usually impossible. That’s why you need an attorney who will give you the personalized attention you need during your case. An individual can breathe in asbestos fibers for many years before a diagnosis of mesothelioma is made. A dedicated, passionate asbestos attorney can help you get the settlement you need in court.
3. Convenience: “Convenience” isn’t just about an attorney’s accessibility and availability to talk when you need him or her. Local attorneys are also familiar with the places you’ve worked and the places where you became exposed to asbestos. According to EPA estimates, materials containing asbestos still exist in most of America’s approximately 107,000 primary and secondary schools and 733,000 public and commercial buildings. An asbestos attorney who works in your area will know the buildings with asbestos, and will be able to prove this in court.