Personal Injury Lawyers Can Provide Resources to People Who Have Been Injured

What to do after a car accident

What should have been a fun morning shopping with your sisters and your mother turned into a long day at the hospital and what looks like weeks, if not months, of recovery for your mom.
You had just entered your favorite store and were talking about which department you would start at when your mother slipped and fell on a wet spot on the floor. The store manager was very responsive and attentive as she explained that they had just picked up a set of floor mats and the new ones should have already been in place. Instead, the water and snow that was tracked into the store created a virtual skating rink that your mom fell victim to. And even though the store made sure that they called the ambulance and gave you all of the information that they thought you would need, both of your sisters agreed with you that your mom should also contact a team of personal injury lawyers to look out for her best interests.
Finding a Lawyer with the Right Kind of Experience Can Help You Find the Options That You May Have
In the same way that you would not want to call a plumber to work on an electrical problem at your house, if you find yourself in need of legal advice it makes sense that you would contact a lawyer of legal team that specializes in the kind of help that you need. If, for instance, you slip and fall while you are out shopping, it makes sense to call firms with personal injury lawyers. If, on the other hand, you have been injured in a car accident you might get the best results by working with a car accident attorney. And medical malpractice suits may be better handled by a legal team that is familiar with those kinds of cases.

Consider some of these statistics about the many times that people find themselves in need of very specific legal advice:

  • 3 million people are injured in car accidents on U.S. roads every year.
  • 22% of slip and fall incidents resulted in more than 31 days of missed work.
  • 17,000 premises liability accidents, more commonly known as slip and fall accidents, occur every year, according to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  • 225,000 people die each year from medical malpractice, according to The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) reports.
  • 20,000 medical malpractice claims are filed each year.
  • Wrong site surgeries are performed an estimated 40 times every week in America.

Personal injury lawyers have experience with different kinds of cases than car accident attorneys and medical malpractice firms specialize in different cases than a firm that mostly handles environmental issues. Doesn’t it make sense to work with a team of lawyers who have experience in the kind of situation that you are facing?

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