Many people must drive automobiles for various purposes. Most need to drive a vehicle to get to their job. Others will drive in order to complete a wide range of errands. Unfortunately, almost any driver is at risk for getting into an automobile collision. Making matters worse, certain drivers will end up in collisions with large trucks. With that in mind, here are five steps to take after being hurt in a truck accident.
- Move Away from the Road
First and foremost, it’s important to get yourself out of harm’s way. If you’re able to move, it’s time to get away from the flow of traffic. You’ll only need to move yourself and your vehicle to the side of the road. Many people assume that moving your vehicle jeopardizes your accident claim which isn’t true. Law enforcement professionals should be able to clearly tell who is at fault for your accident. - Contact the Police
There are many reasons for a truck driver to cause an accident. Research from 2015 found that almost 1.1 million drivers were placed under arrest for driving under the influence of either narcotics or alcohol. By contacting the police, they can investigate whether alcohol or other narcotics were a factor in this accident. In addition, research from 2016 found that 3.3% of driver use electronic devices or cell phones while driving. Having police on the scenes allows them to possibly find out if electronic device usage was responsible for your accident. It’s also important to contact the police after an automobile accident occurs. This ensures that a neutral third party is on the scene to document the details of your accident. In addition, the police will help prevent any hostility between yourself and the other party. - Seek Medical Attention
Semi trucks are much larger than passenger automobiles. Unfortunately, this means that you’re likely to suffer serious injuries after being hit by a truck. Therefore, it’s a good idea to ensure you receive medical attention right after your accident occurs. You’ll likely need medical attention and this helps to ensure that your injuries are documented. - Report This Accident to Your Insurance Provider
It’s also important to make sure your insurance provider knows the details of your accident. After truck accidents occur, the truck driver will contact their insurance companies. However, you’ll only want to speak with your insurance company and not the other party’s. Personal injury law firms often advise avoiding having clients speak with the other party’s insurance company at the scene of your accident. - Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
Many people who were involved in truck accidents contact personal injury law firms. By contacting a personal injury law firm, you can get in touch with a lawyer. In turn, you’ll be able to tell this lawyer more about the details of your accident. It’s always a good idea to have professional legal representation, especially after being hit by a large truck.
In conclusion, there are several steps to take after being involved in an accident with a truck. Many people feel it’s important to contact personal injury law firms after their accidents occur. Research from the Association for Safe International Road Travel found that over 37,000 residents from the United States die in road crashes each year. If you or someone you know was hurt or killed in a truck accident, it’s wise to contact a personal injury law firm. In turn, this allows you to have someone on your side throughout the entirety of your case. By hiring a personal injury attorney, you’ll have someone who can take care of complicated paperwork and speak with the other party’s insurance company.