Even the most experienced drivers go through the trauma of an auto accident at some point in their lives. You may have the best driving record but if you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, you will still want to hire a personal injury attorney. Your attorney could be the key that helps you through your personal injury lawsuit and onto the next stage of your life. Here are some reasons you definitely want to hire an accident attorney to help with your personal injury suit.
Auto Accidents are Fairly Common
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the personal injury lawsuits to appear before the bench are motor vehicle accidents at an astonishing 52%. To put it in perspective, medical malpractice cases only make up 15% of the most common personal injury suits. If you’ve experienced an automobile accident, an experienced trial attorney will be able to navigate through the legal system and see you safely on the other side because there are so many legal cases that may establish a precedent for your case. On the other side, if both parties decide to reach a settlement, your attorney can help you get a fair deal. Only 4% to 5% of personal injury cases in the U.S. go to trial. The rest are settled out of court. Either way, you should fairly get what you’re owed if you’ve been injured in an accident.
If You Have an Injury, You’re Not Alone
Your attorney should be your advocate to see that you get fair compensation if you’ve been injured in a car or motorcycle accident. 3 million people in the U.S. are injured every year in car accidents. 35% of new spinal cord injuries each year come out of those 3 million injured. A personal injury attorney in Redding can help injured California drivers get the recompense they deserve for any injuries sustained in an accident. The last thing you want after being hurt is to feel alone – your attorney can make sure that doesn’t happen as they support you in your case.
Attorneys Provide Stability in Times of Grief
If the worst possible event has happened and you’ve lost a loved one due to an automobile accident, you need someone who will fight for your family so that you can mourn in peace. 1.2 million victims are lost to car accidents every year. You have enough on your plate after an auto accident without worrying about seeing justice done. Personal injury attorneys exist to keep your case moving forward while you remember your loved one and say goodbye.
An Attorney Can Wade Through All the Technicalities
Chances are the injuries you sustained in your accident were due to the negligence of another driver. In 2015 alone, distracted driving claimed 3,477 lives and out of the 3,852 people killed in accidents involving large trucks in 2015, only 16% were people in the trucks. 15% of those deaths were pedestrians, bicyclists, and/or motorcyclists and 69% were drivers or passengers in other cars. Many different people can be involved in an auto accident. It’s the job of your personal injury attorney to sort through all the different parties and make sure you’re only involved in the cases that require your time.
In the middle of an automobile accident, not many people are thinking about what happens next. It’s only afterward, when you’re seeing a doctor regarding your injuries, that you realize you need someone to help you get back on your feet. A motorcycle and car accident attorney in Redding, CA could be the difference between moving forward or being stuck. Make the right decision for your future today.