Three Facts Everyone Needs to Know About Chapter 11 BankruptcyThree Facts Everyone Needs to Know About Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Of the three primary forms of bankruptcy in the U.S., Chapter 11 bankruptcy might be the least common — in 2013, 8,890 Chapter 11 bankruptcies were filed out of the total 1,071,932 bankruptcies filed. That doesn’t mean that Chapter 11 bankruptcies aren’t helpful — they are just more specific and

What Inventors, Creators, and Other Innovators Need to Know About Patent FilingWhat Inventors, Creators, and Other Innovators Need to Know About Patent Filing

When an entrepreneur in any field creates a new product, design, or other item, they have to protect what is known as their intellectual property. Intellectual property covers anything that is a unique creation to that person. In the United States and throughout the world, these ideas are protected under

Three Things You Need to Know About an Uncontested DivorceThree Things You Need to Know About an Uncontested Divorce

Divorce isn’t always complicated. You and your partner can go through the process without fighting over who gets what, making hiring family law lawyers seem unnecessary. However, even uncontested divorces benefit from the help of a legal professional. While you may handle it amicably, there’s much more involved in the

Can an At-Will Employee Pursue a Wrongful Termination Case?Can an At-Will Employee Pursue a Wrongful Termination Case?

If you’ve been fired unexpectedly, or for reasons that feel unfair, it’s easy to start looking up employment attorneys in the heat of the moment to contest your termination. But while rights for employees will protect you in some situations, wrongful termination lawyers won’t be able to help you in

Three Tips for Preserving Evidence in Your Personal Injury ClaimThree Tips for Preserving Evidence in Your Personal Injury Claim

Updated: 2/1/2022 Sometimes accidents happen, which can be detrimental to the physical health of people. Some personal injury examples include slips and falls in the workplace. Moreover, these accidents can cause severe back injury; sometimes to the point, where someone has to take days off of work. In these instances,

Trying To Fight a Traffic Ticket? Here Are Three Starting Points for a DefenseTrying To Fight a Traffic Ticket? Here Are Three Starting Points for a Defense

Anyone who has ever gotten a traffic ticket — even the smallest of misdemeanor traffic offenses, with an equally small punishment — will know how taxing a ticket can be on one’s bank account and one’s mental and emotional health. Simply admitting defeat, accepting the ticket, and paying the subsequent

Personal Injury Lawyers Keep Accident Survivors Above WaterPersonal Injury Lawyers Keep Accident Survivors Above Water

Lawyers make injury litigation more manageable. The insurance companies that provide to personal injury victims can sometimes be unfair. It is advisable to hire a personal injury attorney when involved in an accident, including an 18 wheeler accident. Accidental injury attorneys can fight for you and ensure your rights are