Are You The Victim Of A Work-Related Injury Or Illness? A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help

Workers compensation attorney

Have you been hurt during work and are in need of compensation? Do you suspect you may have been the victim of discrimination and are searching for legal options? Turn to the aid of a worker compensation lawyer, a professional that works directly in the field of workers compensation claims and can see you getting the support you deserve in your time of need. When you have medical bills to pay off and a lifestyle to support, seeking out a claim can see you putting your independence and stability back in your own hands again. Below are statistics relating to work-related injuries, benefit payments and your options for finding help.

Work-Related Injuries And Accidents

There are many different ways to get sick or injured on the job. The year 2013 saw over 900,000 occupational injuries and illnesses resulting in missed days of work, which can greatly impact an employee’s performance and security over time. These included, but are not limited to, job-related sprains, strains and tears alongside slips, trips and falls. Many of these affect the lower back, which can travel down the spine, hips and legs to cause long-term damage. Private industry employers have reported three million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses throughout 2013, meaning the skill sets of workers compensation attorneys is needed more than ever.

Benefit Payments

To be the victim of a workplace injury or illness that affects your ability to provide for your family and pay your bills can take a serious emotional and financial toll. A worker compensation lawyer can provide you with the resources you need to get benefit payments, which are fixed costs provided to counteract the damage already occured. Benefit payments under worker’s compensation programs surpassed $60 billion in 2011, a significant 3.4% increase from previous years. Wages and salaries make up an estimated 70% of compensation costs and benefits the other 30%. Some career fields contain a higher risk for injury, as well.

High Risk Career Fields

Although all occupations carry a risk of on-site injury or illnesses, some career fields are at a higher risk than others. Nursing assistants and orderlies, for example, each suffer three times the rate of back and musculoskeletal injuries as construction laborers do. Even sedentary positions, such as programming and graphic design, can see significant wear and tear to the wrists, lower back, neck and shoulders over a long period of time. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers compensation costs have represented only 1.6% of employer spending overall in spite of these increasingly common occurrences throughout the country.

Seeking Out A Worker Compensation Lawyer

Whether you need access to benefit payments or just want to inquire as to your options concerning your unique situation, a worker compensation lawyer can provide you with their expertise. The year 2011 saw state and federal worker’s compensation laws covering over 125 million employees, which means what you need to get back on your feet is well within your grasp. A meeting with a workers’ compensation law firm will see your situation laid out and analyzed according to your unique situation and state laws. Workers’ compensation will pay 100% of medical costs as well as cash benefits for lost work time after a waiting period. If you are the victim of a work-related accident or illness, seek out a worker compensation lawyer and get the help you deserve as soon as possible.

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