Tactics Used by DUI Lawyers

If you are in the market for hiring a dwi defense lawyer, you should follow some tips for your greatest success. You may be in need of learning more about challenging blood test results in a case or results of a breath test. Your dwi defense lawyer may bring up your good driving behavior history, or your passing sobriety test results in order to highlight the positives in the case.

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There are many procedures used to draw blood and keep blood obtained for a sample in this type of case, and it must be an honest way of collecting and storing the data. There should be no contamination present in the sample, and the procedure of collecting the blood vial should be reviewed during the case to ensure so. If the integrity of the sample is compromised, the case can be reviewed under new evidence and possibly dismissed. There may be a preservative present in the blood vial if the procedure did not include refrigerating the sample, and without the presence of this preservative the sample could be no good. Following some of these tips may be helpful for your dwi defense lawyer or attorney and getting the best results possible.

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